Registered Training Organisation Registered Training Organisation

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) (110043) we provide quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications across many industries.

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Registered Training Organisation

Programmed Skilled Workforce Limited is an enterprise Registered Training Organisation (RTO), providing quality assured and nationally recognised and customised training solutions to our workforce and customers.

Through nationally recognised qualifications, skills sets and pre-employment (accredited and non-accredited) training, Programmed Skilled Workforce Limited’s RTO provide training for individuals looking to enter the workforce or current employees wanting to grow and develop their career further. Training is provided to employees and customer across many industries.

Programmed Skilled Workforce Limited’s RTO also works with our current customers to customise training solutions to accommodate their workforce which includes our employees from Induction programs through to a Certificate III or IV level qualification.

All learners that successfully complete nationally accredited training programs receive either a certificate for the qualification or a statement of attainment.

Nationally Recognised Qualifications

  • BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
  • BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
  • BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
  • RII20220 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations
  • RII30120 Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations
  • TLI30321 Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations
Bethany Clarke

Units of Competencies

Nationally recognised training

  • HLTAID011 Provide first aid
  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling method

Non-accredited Training

Training is delivered by our specialist team, all who have demonstrated industry and RTO experience.

  • Site familiarisation – various onsite customer site specific mine inductions
  • Mine skill preparation
  • Light vehicle
  • In-house dump truck
  • Isolation protocol and practices
  • Local risk management
  • Communication

Pre-Employment Training

We partner with many Job Network Providers to deliver part-qualification pathways to Job Active Seekers looking to re-enter the workplace.

Demand for this training is increasing and we are proud to support people from all backgrounds as they re-enter the workplace. This includes accredited and non-accredited training across safety, communication, manual handling and job readiness skills.

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