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Port Melbourne, VIC

Our Customer

Goodman is a global industrial property group who own, develop and manage the commercial real estate for logistics facilities, warehouses and business parks. Goodman Port Melbourne is an industrial estate consisting of ten spacious buildings occupied by various businesses such as Fastway Couriers, Allied Express, Fiat Chrysler, Creature Technology, Austpac and many more.

Project Description

As part of Goodman’s corporate rebranding strategy, the ten buildings in Port Melbourne required repainting with new hand-painted signage. Programmed was engaged to implement Goodman’s corporate colours on all ten of the large buildings over a non-negotiable 12 week period using various paint solutions suitable to each of the site’s different surface areas.

Project Solution and Outcome

As the project commenced in the colder months of the year, the weather was the biggest challenge every day. Our painters had to follow the sun’s direction from morning until the afternoon, waiting for the sun to warm the surfaces in order to properly apply the paint. Prior to painting, the exteriors were pressure washed. However, as the roofs of the building did not have any gutters, water ran down the walls and into ground pits. This caused unexpected challenges around downtime, and a flexible approach was needed to work around this. Nonetheless, we were able to ensure the original delivery deadline was still met.

The focal point of Goodman’s new corporate rebranding was the signwriting of signature colour-coded barcodes and building numbers. For uniformity, all ten buildings were painted in Dulux Accord PG1A2 as the background colour, juxtaposed by the corporate Goodman Grey on lower sections. To define the barcodes, Goodman Green, Pantone White and Goodman Grey were then hand painted vertically on specified areas of the buildings using boom lifts so that the barcodes spanned the full height of each location.

Due to the buildings varying in size and position, each barcode’s location was strategically and intentionally positioned to maximise visibility. Programmed painters also ensured precise lettering and numbering of building names in each identified location, painting each letter to its full 3700mm height in the specified Swiss Bold typeset using the Pantone White.

Despite the challenges of the overcast weather and the need to program smooth work implementation across the enormous site (61,000 square metres), Programmed was able to wash and paint all ten buildings without unnecessarily inconveniencing Goodman’s tenants. Effective communication was key. We notified each occupying business in advance so that we could access and barricade affected areas of their buildings to conduct washing and painting works, keeping their staff and visitors safe, as well as enable them to maintain their daily routines. Goodman were extremely pleased with the site’s transformation and there is no doubt the property’s incredible facelift will now catch the eye of anyone going past.

Upon project completion, Programmed was awarded the Winner at the 2018 Master Painters Awards For Excellence in the Commercial Repaint Category.

Services we delivered
  • Painting

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