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Keeping Your New Years Resolutions

Jan 16, 2018

With 2017 over and the New Year well and truly here, most of us will be struggling to keep to a new set of resolutions.

Setting goals to get fit and stay healthy, only to have them fall completely by the wayside by February, is a common New Year experience, but there are a few things you can do to help your new exercise routine stick.

– Set realistic goals and plan to achieve them.
– Set smaller goals to complement your larger goal.
– Set a reasonable timeframe, results take time.
– Be adaptable.
– Push through the first few months, they’re the most challenging.
– Monitor your progress, and celebrate it.

In making changes to your exercise routine it’s important to make sure that what you’re doing is healthy.
Adults 18-64 should be aiming for around 150-300 minutes of moderate activity, or 75-150 minutes of vigorous activity, spread throughout each week. Any more than this won’t necessarily be of benefit.

You can measure your exercise using a heart rate test, which involves calculating your goal heart rate, using factors including age and weight, and then monitoring your pulse.

An easier method, that doesn’t involve complex maths, is the talk test. If you can talk and sing then the exercise you’re doing is low intensity, if you can talk but not sing it’s moderate, and if you’re unable to do either then you’re doing vigorous exercise.

Moderate exercise means you’re working hard, but not too hard, and it’s the most beneficial if you’re aiming to improve your health and increase your fitness level.

It’s not just health and fitness related resolutions that fall through as the year progresses. Whether you’re trying to improve your saving habits, working towards a promotion at work, or you’re finally going to learn to speak Spanish, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of following through:

– Start small.
– Stick to one thing.
– Talk about it to other people, it will help you hold yourself accountable.
– Don’t beat yourself up about it.
– Ask for support.
– Make time, rather than trying to cram new things into an already busy schedule.
– Be patient, not all results happen quickly.

Contact our Programmed Health Professionals today to find out how our team can help yours in 2018.

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