Congratulations to our contract team at Melbourne Airport for winning the 2019 Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA) award Excellence in Facilities Management for establishing a traveller-first maintenance culture.
Since coming on board as the new facility maintenance partner for Melbourne Airport in July 2018, Programmed and Australia Pacific Airports Melbourne (APAM) adopted a truly collaborative model that has seen outstanding results.
Melbourne Airport attracts more than 100,000 passengers a day and at any one time has 14,000+ people, including retailers, working and based on-site. From an FM perspective, this contract is centred completely on the traveller experience.
APAM and Programmed maintenance have created a program designed to minimise any disruption to travellers through strategic scheduling of works.
As a new provider facing a three-month mobilisation and complex transition, Programmed was able to establish a strong team culture of accountability and shared values in order to succeed.