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Safe Signage Works at Schools

Aug 4, 2023

Characteristics vary from site to site and in planning a safe work process for signage works at schools, understanding how a site is occupied and what, when and how activities are conducted is important.

Site safety at schools

Considerations to take into account for schools range from high volume traffic periods at school drop off and pick up times to the presence of a high number of students around work areas.

However, with careful planning in advance and in liaison with the school, not only can signage works at schools be conducted safely during school hours, but also with minimal disruption and cost effectively reducing downtime and after hours work.

As a place of study, noise is a prime consideration. Exam times need to be avoided. By liaising with the school, understanding timetables and activities will identify areas that may not be affected by the usual noise of drilling or the beeping of access equipment. Plan ahead to work in stages in unoccupied areas to maximise safety and progress.

For significant projects involving invasive works, planning for school holidays should be a prime consideration. This not only reduces the number of students, teachers and parents on site, but it gives a contractor the accessibility to work efficiently with significant equipment such as post hole diggers, paint spraying equipment, elevated work platforms, boom lifts, and the like.

Carrying out work during this time will most likely mean working among other contractors on site. If all contractors are quality professionals then they should adhere to the same prescribed safety procedures and standards. This ensures a very safe environment, especially compared to carrying out the same work during term time. However, it is important that communication is kept fluid and a cooperative attitude exists between contractors.

So, to conduct safe signage works at schools, think:
* Planning
* Timing
* Communication
* Coordination

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