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Adelaide Oval – Camera

North Adelaide, SA

"At all times the site team has conducted themselves in a very professional and courteous manner. They were very approachable and accommodating across all aspects of the project and a pleasure to work with."

Peter Morton, Services Engineer

Our Customer

The Adelaide Oval is home to several sporting teams in South Australia, including the AFL’s Adelaide Crows and Port Adelaide, along with The South Australian Cricket Association’s Adelaide Strikers, Redbacks and Scorpions.

Project Description and Solution

Programmed Electrical Technologies (Programmed) has implemented various projects for the Adelaide Oval over the years. These include a redevelopment of their communications infrastructure, LED lighting upgrades and the implementation of a player tracking system.

Known as Match Day Vision, the state-of-the-art system captures and relays on-field activity in real time, allowing sporting coaches and team staff to analyse the performance and positioning of every player throughout a game. The system also provides the opportunity for new informative broadcast graphics to educate viewers on tactical and other athletic aspects of the game.

For this, we mounted tracking cameras behind each goal and four strategically placed antennas around the oval. To enable connectivity to identified locations within the Adelaide Oval so coaches and team staff could view close-ups and isolated vision of players and their movements on the field, we further installed several kilometres of fibre-optic and copper cabling.

Project Outcome

With each project, regular meetings with the Adelaide Oval ensured Programmed gained a clear understanding of each project’s requirements and expected outcomes. Underpinning this was a combination of specialist capabilities, broad experience and a strong safety focus. These made certain we delivered a robust solution for cutting-edge communications technology responsible for many of this world-class venue’s key operational functions.

Peter Morton, Services Engineer at Lendlease, who engaged Programmed for the communications infrastructure works, praised Programmed, saying, “At all times the site team has conducted themselves in a very professional and courteous manner. They were very approachable and accommodating across all aspects of the project and a pleasure to work with.”

Services we delivered
  • AV, Data Comms & Electrical
  • Data & Communications

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