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Department of Finance WA


"Our Facility Management team has provided services to the Department of Finance in WA since 1998."

John Pirie
GM of WA, Facility Management

Project Description

The Department of Finance’s Building Management and Works, on behalf of the Minister for Works (the Contract Authority), assists state government agencies (Agencies) with the maintenance of their non-residential building assets. This includes sourcing a wide range of maintenance services through private sector providers, including breakdown repairs (electrical, carpentry, plumbing, graffiti removal and locksmiths), planned maintenance and property services, as well as assisting Agencies with strategic asset management planning and management activities across their portfolios.

Programmed Facility Management has held the contract since 1998 and was re-awarded the contract on 1 July 2016 for a further five years with options to extend.

The following Agencies have now been included in the new contract:

  • Department of Fire and Emergency Services
  • Main Roads Western Australia
  • Department of Culture and the Arts

Department of Corrective Services (DCS) and the Attorney General (DoAG)

Programmed provides a fully comprehensive service, providing 24/7 breakdown repair service through the Programmed Facility Management call centre, planned maintenance, minor capital works, strategic maintenance planning and property services. Programmed Facility Management is responsible for over 60 prisons and detention centres and 15 court houses and office facilities, including the maintenance of the electronic security systems at four prisons.

Department of Education (DoE)

Programmed provides planned maintenance, including routine and restoration maintenance and minor capital works management of 550 primary and secondary schools. Programmed Facility Management delivers the services via dedicated full-time facilities services managers (FSMs), each having a portfolio of schools. The FSMs are responsible for client liaison services, performance reporting and subcontractor management.

Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD)

Programmed provides a fully comprehensive service, including a 24/7 breakdown repair service, planned maintenance (including routine and restoration maintenance), and minor capital works management to 40 state training facilities.

Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DCFS)

Programmed will be providing a comprehensive 24/7 breakdown repair service, routine maintenance, capital and minor works projects, property services and strategic maintenance planning for 40 DCFS facilities, including fire stations, operations centres, offices and training academies.

Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA)

Programmed will be providing a comprehensive 24/7 breakdown repair service, routine maintenance, capital and minor works projects, property services and strategic maintenance planning for 9 MRWA facilities, including the traffic operations centre, engineering branch and office buildings.

Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA)

Programmed will be providing a comprehensive 24/7 breakdown repair service, routine maintenance, capital and minor works projects and strategic maintenance planning for 20 DCA Facilities, including art galleries, art centres, theatres and museums, with the majority of the DCA buildings being heritage listed.

Services we delivered
  • Asset Management
  • Facility Management
  • Integrated Services
  • Maintenance
  • Operations
  • Project Management

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