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Supporting music and the arts

Jun 30, 2019

Programmed is proud to announce that we’re now a platinum partner with the Perth Symphony Orchestra (PSO).

Perth Symphony was founded in 2011 and is known as the orchestra that breaks the rules. With over 220 musicians on tap, they are paving the way for dynamic and creative talent in Western Australia.

Founded by chief executive officer, Bourby Webster the orchestra has grown to be one of Perth’s most unique orchestral experiences.

“We want people to feel like they belong to something bigger, our music is that something. It’s relatable to all, across generations, and is one of the only things in society that can draw in crowds from different demographics and backgrounds at once,” said Bourby.

“We’re proud to be giving the community a chance to experience the magic of the symphony orchestra, and by partnering with Programmed we’re able to continue doing so.”

A fairly new venture for Programmed and outside of our usual sporting sponsorship realm, Programmed managing director, Chris Sutherland noticed an appetite for the business to invest in the arts.

“Arts and culture provides the community with the opportunity to express themselves and increase creative thinking, it allows people to come together,” said Chris.

“Music automatically creates a sense of community and by partnering with the PSO we’re helping facilitate a culture of inclusion.”

We look forward to supporting Perth Symphony, and their very talented musicians, into the future.

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