While this time of year is fun and exciting for many, the holiday season can be an isolating time for others, particularly for those living alone, with no family or loved ones nearby. Considering the challenging year we have all faced, feelings of loneliness may be felt this year more than any other. So while you’re ticking off your Christmas to do list, take a moment to think about those around you who might not be feeling so festive.
If there is someone you think may struggle through social isolation, it is important to reach out to them and let them know you care. Lifeline Australia suggests the following actions may be all it takes to boost morale amongst friends and family:
- Call them to check on their welfare
- Send an email or text message
- Leave a note under their door
- And never underestimate the power you have to offer hope to another person
A phone call, a chat over a cuppa or even just a smile could really help make difference to someone this holiday period.
The team at R U Ok? have partnered up with actor Sam Neill in a new campaign, putting a spotlight on the issue. Check out the video they’ve produced as well as the resources available on their website.
Don’t let it be a silent night, give the gift of conversation.
If you are aware of someone who has been feeling isolated for extended periods of time for no obvious reason, it is advised you check-in on their mental health. Encourage them to talk to their doctor or other healthcare professional. R U OK? has a number of resources available to support you to begin this conversation. Alternatively, organisations such as Beyond Blue, 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline, 13 11 14 may be able to help.
If you or someone you love is in need of some extra care, contact the Programmed Care team today on 13 10 95 or visit programmed.com.au/care.