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Technology in Maintenance

Dec 9, 2019
Technology in Maintenance

Data-driven decision making is as fundamental to maintenance as it is to any other business decision. So how can the condition, history and data of all assets within an organisation’s maintenance portfolio be easily captured, viewed and reported?

In the commercial maintenance industry, all knowledge of a property’s infrastructure, its condition and composition, was once concentrated in the small handful of people dealing directly – hands on – with that asset. This was often the maintenance staff. Property managers made the ultimate decisions about their asset, but they very likely depended on maintenance staff for the information on which their decisions were based. They often didn’t know – personally – the true condition of that asset, and if they were interstate, may have never even seen it.

With technology helping to integrate information, data and analytics for all aspects of commercial maintenance, such situations could likely be consigned to the dustbin of history.

Technology that facilitates operational efficiency.

Programmed Property Services is helping customers, especially multi-tiered, multi-site ones, track their project rollouts, with ease and mobility using technology.

This solution helps customers with large asset portfolios and composite operational structures access up to date information on a project, log requests, view photos and documents, as well as collaborate with Programmed with minimal effort from wherever they may be. Based on the concept of a ‘self-service kiosk’, the information can be accessed by multiple parties anytime as required.

Technology that facilitates data-driven maintenance.

Maintenance underpinned by data collection and analysis provides organisations heightened insight into their assets as well as their maintenance efforts. They understand not just the detailed conditions of those assets, but also what needs to be done to keep those assets performing optimally, and the results of their initiatives. Through trends and analysis, changes can be made to capitalise on opportunities or quickly arrest issues.

Asset data collection however, can be challenging. Maintenance companies can utilise technology to help customers resolve this by collecting asset data while also delivering maintenance. This provides their customers with a maintenance solution with greater value.

Using a GPS-technology based software solution, Programmed is helping some of our customers to develop a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the assets on their sites. This includes assets such as the number of trees, drain pits and steel structures, along with their location and condition. On a sprawling customer site that spans multiple locations, incorporating data collection into maintenance implementation saves the customer time, while providing them with fundamental insights into each asset across various asset classes.

Consider the results if this data, collected across various types of assets, is used to create long-term projections of the health of those assets for customers and to assist in developing routine, cyclical maintenance tasks targeted to address the specific condition of that asset. And what if these were combined with additional data points, such as weather patterns, utilisation and asset or equipment fault trends; how much more impactful would maintenance be?

Programmed is helping customers to access such information so that we can help them make data-based decisions, without relying on intuition and observation alone and better align maintenance.

Because data is often drawn through several different data points, maintenance data will only make sense – and add value – if customers understand it, and can retrieve it at a touch or click. A secure gateway – or portal – with dashboard reporting does this by aggregating data and pulling these onto a centralised platform to allow a clearer picture of expenditure, project implementation and completion. There also is as a view into assets which are in good condition and performing well under the current maintenance program. These make it possible to readjust, replace or replicate programmes that work and may even make it possible to release capital for other maintenance works.

How are you using technology to capture the quality, condition and quantity of your assets?

Contact Programmed today and learn how you can get better insights into the maintenance and management of your assets.

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