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There are MO ways to change the face of men’s health this Movember

Oct 29, 2021

As well as make us realise we haven’t got long to get Christmas presents sorted, November’s arrival also signifies that time of the year where many of the men in our lives grow a moustache in the name of men’s health.

However, getting involved isn’t limited to men anymore. As well as growing some choice facial hair, you can ‘move for Movember’ and walk 60km over the month to raise funds. Each kilometre represents the number of men lost to suicide around the world each hour. You can even create your own challenge to get involved, it can be literally anything! It could be a test of physical endurance or something else altogether, but your efforts will help change the face of men’s health. You can also host a ‘Mo-ment’ by getting a group together and doing something fun whilst raising funds.

Starting from humble beginnings back in 2003, Movember has since funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the globe. The initiative aims to challenge the status quo and shake up men’s health research by transforming the way health services reach and support men. Movember supports mental health and suicide prevention, with the aim to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% by 2030.

Another area of men’s health the cause raises funds for is prostate cancer. Globally, more than 1.4 million men are diagnosed with the disease every year. The third area Movember focuses on is testicular cancer. Also by 2030, Movember aims to halve the number of men dying from prostate and testicular cancer and halve the number of men facing serious ongoing side effects from the treatments of these diseases.

As mentioned earlier, there has never been more ways to get involved in Movember and raise vital funds for men’s health to help prevent deaths from suicide, prostate and testicular cancers. While many people are motivated by the cause alone, others might find the prizes and rewards up for grabs might inspire them to flex their fundraising muscles.

If you want to get involved in Movember by growing an 80’s moustache (or a regular one), doing a challenge or hosting a ‘Mo-ment’ you can do so via the Australian and New Zealand websites. If you’re not keen to change your facial appearance or perhaps don’t want to shave your beard or do a challenge, instead attend a ‘Mo-ment’ if you can or donate to friends, family members and colleagues during their fundraising journeys. You can also donate directly to the Movember campaign in Australia and New Zealand via the links.

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