Every year, Capital Region Community Services, (CRCS) supports households needing help cleaning their yards due to overgrown lawns, shrubs, or rubbish that has built up over the years.
About 56 volunteers from various organisations such as CRCS, ACT Health, Housing ACT, Programmed and the Department of Social Services put on their workwear, picked up rakes, pushed mowers, snipped branches and pulled out weeds to help out nine households in need across Canberra for this annual 10/10 Project.
This event is mainly aimed at people who require additional assistance and support to maintain their gardens or yard areas. For instance, those who are no longer physically able to manage their yards, homes where children can no longer play outside safely or where there may be a high fire risk going into the summer period.

Our team ended the day feeling fulfilled and was more than happy to be able to help these households.
Gregory Lackey, Social Inclusion Manager, shares, “This a community-supporting community. Programmed was proud to donate $5k and encourage Programmed staff to participate for the day across many different backyards across Canberra.”
“A passerby at the Griffith property asked what we were doing, and when I told her that we were doing a volunteer cleanup of this and several other properties across Canberra, she remarked that this was a wonderful thing we were doing and there should be more of it in the community”. Shares Danny O’Mara, Contract Manager.
Tony – Zhou Chu Yue, Works Scheduler, shares, “It was a meaningful day for me as I have not done gardening before. I am glad I can help someone in need by improving their living environment. A great event, definitely!”
“It was gratifying to help the tenant with work she couldn’t do and know how happy her children were that they could have a backyard to play in again before summer. The highlight was seeing their new puppy play in the backyard for the first time” Rebecca Philippa, Works Scheduler.
Capital Region Community Services
Capital Region Community Services was thrilled to welcome Programmed on board for the 10/10 Project in 2023. It is the support of services such as Programmed that help make this project a reality and enable us to support vulnerable community members with a free yard and garden clean up. Commenced in 2012, every year sees the 10/10 Project go from strength to strength as community works with community to make difference in the lives of our community members. As the Project grows, CRCS are always on the lookout for additional support to help us achieve even more with our “day that makes a difference”. Your support can be shown in a variety of ways including:
- Financial support via a donation
- Donating services such as landscaping for the more challenging properties
- Providing equipment that can be used on the day
- Volunteering your time or building a team of volunteers to help out on the day.
In return for your support, we can promise you an incredibly rewarding day. We are already well in to the planning stages of this year’s 10/10 Project which is locked in for Friday October 25th.
If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved in the 10/10 Project, please contact our Project Manager, Graham McKerchar via email to graham.mckerchar@crcs.com.au or call 0400 704 548