Our team brings extensive knowledge and experience across a wide range of industrial and commercial utilities, facilities, equipment and infrastructure

We have fully equipped workshops across Australia giving us the flexibility to control the quality, timeline and delivery of fabricated items to customers.
Our engineering and project services teams undertake structural repairs, upgrades and expansions, refurbishments and construction work for a wide range of mine, industrial, defence, utility and commercial facilities, equipment and infrastructure.
We also have the capability to perform a range of specialist support services including asset integrity and management, scaffolding and more.
Workshops & fabrication
Our premises are large and extensively equipped to support field operations in major overhaul work, heavy and light fabrication plus equipment inspection and repairs.
Programmed Industrial Maintenance’s network of fabrication, welding and machine shop facilities enable all stages of manufacture, including in-house painting. This ensures high quality standards are maintained,and allows direct tracking of critical path items for each customer project.
Having our own workshop capabilities provides our customers the flexibility and certainty required to maintain a brownfields site. It also reduces the need for third party intervention, providing our customers with schedule certainty and reducing costs. All welding and fabrication is carried out to AS/NZS standards by procedure qualified welders, and is supported by qualified supervisors and welding inspectors.All products and services are provided in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801 certification.

Specialist Services
Programmed also offer a range of specialist industrial services to help you maintain your assets and infrastructure.
Our Specialist Services include:
- Asset integrity programs and capital works projects
- Mining Equipment Field Services
- Machining and Fabrication
- Welding, including poly, pressure and pipe welding
- Sheet metal work
- Industrial blast and paint
- Anode rod repairs
- HVAC-R services
- Building repairs, upgrade, expansion and refurbishments

We also offer

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