Water Network Maintenance

Programmed is a key operator within the Water sector providing maintenance on critical services for numerous water suppliers across Australia.
With over 25 years of operation in the Australian Water sector, we work across some of Australia’s most complex and critical water
infrastructures between New South Wales and Western Australia.
Programmed brings our experience and capacity to deliver outstanding service on a wide range of assets and contexts, all within collaborative contracting models. We understand our customers’ obligations to deliver safe, reliable, and cost-effective water, sewerage and drainage services, and how
effective maintenance makes it possible for our customers to deliver against those obligations.
Our specialist Engineers and Trades people have a wealth of knowledge and have helped deliver billions of dollars of water infrastructure works across the country.

Programmed is invested in providing career pathways within the Water sector. That’s why we developed the Water Academy, that provides training and opportunities from apprentice, graduates to seasoned professionals.
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