On the 30th of June, Acacia Living had a birthday party. But this was no ordinary party!
The 90th Birthday Club was held for fifty of the retirement village’s residents who had turned or were turning 90 this year.
Sponsored by Programmed, on behalf of the WA Retirement & Aged Care Association, the day was one for cake, congratulations, laughter, and swapping stories.
And what stories! During the morning-tea, Programmed discovered that these 90-year-olds are no strangers to milestones.
Collectively they’ve lived through or fought in the second world war, were teenagers during Albert Einstein’s era, watched the first man arrive in space, and experienced the boom of telephones and computers first-hand!
Programmed Property Services Manager, Ray Coffin, commemorated the feat by presenting badges and congratulating the 90th Club Members for the impressive milestone.

This is the 7th Year Programmed has had the privilege of sponsoring the morning-tea for the 90th Birthday club. We thoroughly enjoyed celebrating and sharing the day with these remarkable men and women.